I read how you and Laura were evacuated today from your Crawford ranch--along with Barney and Miss Beazley--and driven by armored car to a tornado shelter during a spell of bad weather down there in Texas. Which conjured images of your good self being whirled up by the tempest, to be deposited without ceremony in a strange land called Oz, where you go prancing down the yellow brick road, accompanied by your hand-picked menagerie of advisors and your good witch Condi to that exotic Emerald City to see the great Oz and consult with him about the way back home from that dreadful country in the Middle East. Trouble is, when you arrive there, you realize suddenly that you're not in Texas any more: the whole place is in ruins and Oz turns out to be none other than the Father to whom you listen more than to your own, a foolish old dodderer behind the curtain who washes his hands of the whole mess you made of everything he gave you to take charge of.
Sorry, Bush. No ruby slippers. Wouldn't it be nice to click your heels and find yourself back home in Crawford with peace breaking out all over? Not to be. Just the hard work of being the decider. I saw somewhere that you've just been polled the world's biggest villain of 2006--and that's over both Osama and Saddam--by an overwhelming number of percentage points. Not sure who was voting. Americans? Or the rest of the world? Congratulations, anyway. I guess you'd best get back to that big speech about the new way forward, and come up with some magic of your own. Watch out for those nasty flying monkeys and the Wicked Witch. Meantime, I wish a good New Year's Eve to you and yours, and a better 2007.
Hello Peter,
Notice that the two tornadoes framing GW's ranch made a symbolic number 11, occurred on Dec. 29, and 2+9=11? Likewise, Hurricane Katrina was storm #11 and occurred on August 29. Read the following article (Eleven Roars Loudly !!) and the first chapter of my EBook (its a free download) to understand the symbolism of two such perfectly timed and placed cyclical clouds. Karma's a bitch when She's provoked and looks like She's been playing with GW and his cronies and handlers so they taste some of the fear they've been using against others. The grand finale should be interesting...
Notice that Gerald R Ford was the 38th president and 3+8=11, he took office in 1974 and 7+4=11 and he died on 12/26 and 1+2+2+6=11? Notice that there are also 11 letters in Gerald R Ford. Pay close attention to what he had to say about Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld and other topics in his 2004 interview and that this interview was not aired until after the 2004 presidential election, the 2006 mid-terms, and after his death. Much of the information surrounding Gerald R. Ford provides yet more keys to understanding the truth about the USA and the current administration.
May the New Year make you smile!!
@ seven... I just love Karma, glad to see there are others who love to watch her too;D. Don't want to get too happy over here though, she may not look very favorably on me for poking fun at someone else's Karma...;). However, you have started my last day of 2006 with a big grin...lol;). @ Peter... Good post, but all this time I thought GWB was the "Grand Exalted Poo-Bah" of all the evil monkeys...lol;). Hmmm, he does seem to have to get out of the way a lot. He wasted a lot of fuel on 911, running [flying] from state to state. Wish he'd get out of his own way...
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