I was listening to an interview with your Rice this morning, Bush. She was going on in that scolding, "I can't-beleve-you-don't-get-this" tone about "the President" this and "the President" that, and I realized that I cringe inwardly every time I hear those words applied to you. I don't like to think of myself as a Bush basher, but every time I hear "the President" applied to your good self... I don't know. Is it disbelief? Anger? Something comes up that is deeply rooted in a sense of usurpation, of a man acting in a position far beyond his capacity and desserts, something fraudulent and incongruous.

Grinko, or whatever your fake name is...You make up a lotta shit that isn't worth listening to.
Gringo, it would really be nice if you could leave your link to your blog site and not blog within someone else's blog. You have enough passion for what you believe to do that. At least we wouldn't be ripped apart every time we come into the comment section to comment on Peters blog. That is what this section is for, Peter... Most of the time you are not even commenting on anything Peter has to post. It's one thing to disagree, it's another to take over someones blog with your own personal agenda... Don't mean to hurt your feelings, but it is getting real old... Have a peaceful evening Gringo.
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