Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Axis of...


Wait-a-Minute, Bush. (Sorry, couldn't resist it: if you're mystified, see yesterday's entry.) But did I hear you right? Was I dreaming? I thought I heard you boasting about the wonderful success of the new democracies in the Middle East, and citing Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon as the glowing examples. Having heard a few seconds of this flight of fancy on NPR--I think--I tried to find confirmation in this morning's Los Angeles Times, to no effect. So I'm wondering if I in fact made it up, if my mind deceived me as it tends to do sometimes, when I'm listening to you speak. Were you referring to that same Iraq where civil war is busting out merrily all over? Afghanistan, with the lethal resurgence of the Taliban? And Lebanon, half destroyed by Israeli (read "American") bombs and seemingly in the hands of the "terrorist" Hezbollah? Either I mnisheard what you said, or your glasses are of a still rosier hue than I had previously imagined.

But listen, Bush, I had only a brief window this morning for our usual encounter, and for some weird reason couldn't get online. Wasted a good half hour trying to persuade my computers to obey my orders, but in vain. Bottom line: I have to go. Too many others things to attend to. Try on another pair of specs today, okay?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha.. I leave the TV on all night, so I wake up to the news in the morning. Yeah, you heard right:D! Quite the piece of work isn't he?... Gringo, we've been supporting these guys for years, it's not a secret my friend:). Once used up in what they were wanted for, the US government turns on them like a Black Widow Spider or a Praying Mantis. We shipped arms through Israel to Iran to get our prisoners back. That was supposed to be a little secret. Bush Sr. went behind a few backs for that one. Then Reagan was Pres. the same day. Good timing huh:)? Dig deeper Gringo:D.