Saturday, March 12, 2005

Spare the Drill

What you can't do by honest debate, Bush--and there seems to be little you CAN do that way--you do by subterfuge or deceit. In this instance, I'm referring to your Republicans' backdoor maneuver to authorize your long-hatched plot to allow your oil pals to start drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. It seems the strategy this time has been to attach it to the budget bill, then ram through a rule to prevent any fillibuster. Will this assure the bill's passage? It sure makes it more likely. Regardless of the many disagreements I'm sure I have on other spending items, this alone makes the of bill a mockery of the democracy on which you persist in loudly lecturing other countries. Shame on you for this slick operation, Bush. Shame on your Republicans.

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