Monday, March 21, 2005

And One Other Thing...

It hasn't escaped my notice, Bush, that you have created a no-lose political scenario around the Terri Schiavo business. If she lives, you're a hero to your right-to-life folks. If the federal judge today upholds what several judges have previously decided--that she should be allowed to die--you get to pound on all those judges for "judicial activism", and delight that same audience for a different reason. I can't believe this wasn't all planned for maximum advantage. I wonder, though, when all this political cleverness will finally cross the boundary of inertia on the other side, to the point where those who choose not to support you on every issue see through your tactics and get really mad. I like to think that there will be a comeuppance one of these days, Bush. And I'm just about malicious enough to hope that it will be before your term expires. I'll confess it would give me pleasure to watch you eat some crow.

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