Saturday, June 18, 2005

From the World of Books...

...comes news of two new book deals this past week. Congratulations to the publishing industry for jumping on these new acquisitions: Mark Felt, better known as the Deep Throat of Watergate fame; and the Runaway Bride. I’m sure Mark Felt will have some interesting recollections about his double role as Deep Throat and second-in-command at the FBI during the Nixon presidency. I hope he’ll tell us a bit more about those secret meetings in the underground garage, as well as about the ethical dilemma he surely had to face: which came first, in his loyalties, his President or his country? Knowing of your high expectations in the field of personal loyalty, Bush, I imagine you’ll find this one of special interest when it comes out. As for me, I could wish for another Deep Throat today, to share some of those secrets withheld from us common mortals—about our country’s energy policy, for example. Wouldn’t that be something, if we could all find out not only how it was arrived at, but what it is!

As for the Runaway Bride, well, I wish her luck. Her escapade is proving profitable as well as newsworthy. Did she recieve a financial penalty as well as a suspended sentence? I forget. But this should cover her costs and then some, after her national television coverage. I’m happy for her. And of course we're all burning with curiosity to hear "her side of the story." But I’ll admit to being just a little sad for the publishing business, Bush. As a writer, I have been watching for these past twenty years in dismay as hard-working writers get displaced by celebrity worship and scandal-mongering, all in the name of “what the public wants”—or what the industry can sell them. But that’s maybe just envy on my part, Bush. I wouldn't mind a million-dollar book contract. Not one bit.

By the way, I suppose you've heard we've been shaking a bit here in California in the past few days? Wish us luck over the weekend. Ellie and I have not yet sold our house, and we'd prefer it to remain standing for a little while, before we do!

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