Saturday, January 29, 2005

The Freedom Calendar

Okay, just a thought on reading an article in this morning's Los Angeles Times about your "2005 Republican Freedom Calendar", promoting the Republican party's civil rights history. Each date lovingly recalls a memorable contribution to the advancement of black people in this country. What struck me, again, is that it's all about ideology, all about getting the votes, expanding the power base. It's about using words and image to promote a positive spin on history, to persuade. It's basically propaganda, Bush. A strategy proven successful by numerous dictatorial rulers. Because it works. It seems, sadly, to work better than actions. Better than the Democratic approach: "What can we do now to improve the social and economic standing of people who are less fortunate than ourselves?" No, this is about "What do we need to do to get them to vote for us?" Talk about cynicism, Bush. Just thought I'd mention it.


Anonymous said...

Oh--got there at last with Mary's help! F.

Peter Clothier said...

Congratulations, F. And welcome to the show! Love, PAL (PeterAtLarge)