Thursday, January 27, 2005


Let us not pray,
since prayer offers us
the comfortable exculpation
of piety. Let us not say, once again,
Never again: we have shown ourselves
incapable of honoring such oaths.
We kill. We kill in the hundreds,
in the thousands, in the hundreds
of thousands, in the millions.
We kill each other, our own species,
the human race. We have no excuse.
Let us not resort
to words: words have already
failed us, repeatedly,
and emptied of their meaning:
Atrocity. Depravity. Barbarism.
Inhumanity. God.
We cannot atone for our actions
with empty expressions of piety or regret.

So let us not speak today. Let us be silent,
and breathe, and be thankful
for each breath, and acknowledge
simply who we are, and what we have done,
and grieve.

Liberation of Auschwitz, January 27, 1945


Max Chandler said...

This is marvelous. Your poetic voice has a clarity and honesty beyond anything I have seen and this anniverssary is a time when we all need clarity and honesty. It is mankind's only way out.

Anonymous said...

Very powerful words, Peter, although I'm inclined to say that we could use the invention of a new English word to describe what it is to "grieve" on this level. Thank you for sharing - arminée