Monday, November 07, 2005

Reality Strikes

I know it must seem like I've said this twenty times before, Bush, but today it gets real. Until now, a month after escrow closed on the sale of our old house, we have found our escape hatches. We've been commuting to the city from our beach cottage. We've had our full week in Mexico. And today, finally and unavoidably, we drive back up to the city and have no place to go except our new place, still unfinished, and will spend our first night there. A mixture of excitement and dread. The dread, I think, has partly to do with not knowing what we'll find when we get there--not having seen the place for nearly two weeks, but knowing that our contractor has himself been out of town for most of that time. We're keeping our fingers crossed that we'll find at least enough progress to settle in, make a meal, watch the news, have a comfortable night's sleep.

One thing I should tell you. We had our cable service transfered and activated in the new house, but last time I tried I failed to get an online connection through the high speed modem. I don't know whether I'll be more successful this afternoon. If not, of course, you won't hear from me tomorrow. Let's just hope it works out.

Are you back on American soil already, Bush? I feel a bit out of touch--even though I did get to look through the newspapers yesterday. Not much luck down there in the southern hemisphere, I gather. Is it possible, do you think, that the opposition to your economic policies for the region might have something to do with the fact that they're simply not working here at home? Where the super-rich get super-richer, and nothing trickles down, and the debt for our children and grandchildren continues to grow. The result of what your Dad aptly labeled "voodoo economics." I mean, Bush, let's get serious. Might it not finally be time to re-evaluate, make a course adjustment, take a good look at your priorities, and even... um, consider ways to increase the revenue to match up with the spending?

Just a thought for an overcast Monday, down here at the beach. Meanwhile, welcome back to the chaos. And wish me luck.

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